Ant Taskdef
This path downloads the minimal environment needed to work with One-JAR using Ant. An
advantage to this path is that the source-code for the Ant <one-jar> taskdef is provided for education
- Download one-jar-ant-task-0.97.jar
- Unpack into a working directory (e.g. c:/one-jar-ant):
$ mkdir c:/one-jar-ant
$ cd c:/one-jar-ant
$ jar -xvf .../one-jar-ant-task-0.97.jar
- Add the following to your build.xml script:
<property name="one-jar.dist.dir" value="c:/one-jar-ant"/>
<import file="${one-jar.dist.dir}/one-jar-ant-task.xml" optional="true" />
<one-jar destfile="your.one.jar"