Deliver Your Java Application in One-JARâ„¢!

Copyright 2004-2010 by P. Simon Tuffs, All Rights Reserved.

Build Tools

A One-JAR Archive can be built using only the Java jar tool, if you spend the necessary effort to create a directory tree that follows the required structure. But it is simpler and easier to use one of the build-tools that know how to build a One-JAR archive. There are currently two alternatives.

Ant: The <one-jar> taskdef

The <one-jar> Ant task supports building a One-JAR Archive, creating a main/main.jar from a <main> section, and adding in libraries from a <lib> section. See the following sections in this documentation for details.


There is a one-jar Maven2 SNAPSHOT plugin available at the following repository:
There is a one-jar Maven2 release plugin available at the following repository:
The plugin embeds the one-jar-boot-0.97.jar file as a resource. To determine which version of One-JAR the plugin is using, examine the contents of the ".version" file in the embedded one-jar-boot file. Or alternatvely, build a One-JAR archive and run it with the --one-jar-version argument. See the following sections in this documentation for details.

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