Spring Framework Example
There is a One-JAR Spring example in the CVS repository.
With CVS
Attach to the CVS repository using the following credentials:
Checkout the one-jar and one-jar-spring projects, as siblings in a working directory.
Without CVS
Download and expand the following items as siblings in a working directory:
Note: these are .tar.gz files, so will need to be unpacked twice to get to the contents.
Building and Running
- Change to the
one-jar directory and build using $ ant
- Change to the
one-jar-spring directory and build using $ ant
- Run the example using
$ ant run.one-jar-spring-scan
- Run a JUnit test case using
$ ant test.one-jar-spring-scan
- Generate an HTML report for the JUnit test using
$ ant junit.report . Examine
the report in a web-browser from the test-reports directory.
More Information
Look over the one-jar-spring project, with attention to the build.xml file.